Monday, March 05, 2012

A little bit hippie...

I saw a link the other day to some blogs participating in writing about how they are "kind of" or "almost but not all the way" hippie (paraphrasing in mine). It definitely got me wondering what I would lose crunchy points on in my semi-hippie life.

-I am a HUGE natural birth/home birth/VBAC (my youngest was an all natural VBA2C) supporter BUT I have had hospital births, including 2 c-sections.
....In my defense, I really didn't start becoming hippie until about my third kiddo. Our next child WILL be a home birth. But our other births, I made my choices off of lack of educating myself. I am super proud of my man though, being able to tell you why inductions, epidurals and the like are bad. I should get a few points back for that.

-I carry in and use my Envirosax bags into any grocery store or farmers market I go to... ALMOST all the time.
....Yes, I do forget at times and use the horrible plastic bags from the store. But I do reuse those a million and five other ways, so it shouldn't get too many crunchy points deducted, right?

-Organic food is great, I buy it as much as I can. BUT sometimes there is no substitute for a Dominos Wisconsin cheese pizza, chocolate peanut butter Haagen Daaz and a few M&M's.
....I've got no excuse for that. Crunchy points deducted.

-My kids can pack a lunch that would make my imaginary-organic-hippie-Martha-Stewart-esque-friend proud. Complete with all natural peanut butter sandwiches, red peppers, carrots and coconut water.
....But they still love some Chick-fil-a. Those heavenly chunks of chicken can not possibly be hippie-approved. Sigh.

-I don't vaccinate my kids anymore. We did. But we don't anymore. BUT, I can't give you a HUGE detailed, linked, explanation as to why we don't. I might attempt that at some point, but for right now, I just don't like the info that I have read on vaccinations. I am not okay with them. Period. The choice to not vaccinate has made sense to me and that is all the explanation I need to give anyone.

-We cloth diaper. BUT we haven't always. It is better for babies skin, for the budget, and of course the environment. Ingredients in diapers cause me to freak out a bit. Ew.

-Breastfeeding advocates, here! I will glorify every reason to breastfeed, at any chance I get. It is amazing. And I will feed my child whenever and where ever my baby is hungry. Try me. The law is on my side. Can I get some points back for that? ;o)

-I would love to live further east in the town that we live in... have chickens, cows and a huge garden. I'd love to send my kids out barefoot for hours and let them eat berries off the bushes while climbing trees and catching minnows. BUT, alas, I live in suburbia. I'm not in a huge city, but not in the country. It's like "little suburbia" here. It fits us. We will have more garden this summer, by kids do run around barefoot in the backyard and all. It's a compromise.

So, I guess I am a partial hippie...? I'll take that. I think in some areas of life, a little bit is better than nothing. And from what I have seen, people can sway MORE to the natural side of life over time but I don't think i've ever seen someone revert back to non-hippie-ness after awhile.

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